Tai Chi
me ;)
If you are looking to do one of the following, please put this on the subject heading on the contact form on this page - thanks!
Book a beginner's tai chi or qigong course
Take advantage of the free trial class
Book a private lesson
If you have other, general inquiries, please use the contact form on this page or email me at: taichicirclinghands@gmail.com
Book yourself into a Beginner's Tai Chi or Qigong course.
This is the best way for beginners to start learning tai chi or qigong. You’ve learned a little bit about me, probably seen the Class Pages, maybe you’ve read about the health benefits of tai chi and qigong and are now thinking of joining a class. I enjoy teaching beginners and encourage you, if you have any doubts, to take advantage of my no obligation, free trial class. But first things first. Fill out the little form on this page and give me a few details about you:
Why you are interested in joining one of my courses.
This class is open to all ages, gender. However, if you have mobility or medical issues, please give me a little information so we can discuss the suitability of my classes.
I’ll respond promptly with some information and then hopefully I'll see you in class.
Hope to talk to you soon!
Recommended Links:
Lineage Master Bruce Frantzis founder of Energy Arts (EA) EnergyArts.com
My main teacher, EA Senior Instructor, Paul Cavel: www.paulcavel.com and www.taichispace.london
EA Senior Instructor Craig Barnes BigChi.org
EA Senior Instructor Jamie Dibdin www.balancedenergyarts.eu
EA Senior Instructor Jackie Smith www.UnseenStream.com
EA Senior Instructor Matthew Brewer www.taichi.uk.com
Friend and fellow EA Instructor Jason Roberts www.Innerarts.co.uk
Friend and fellow EA Instructor Owen Mulcair wutaichi-ireland.com